Friday, July 24, 2020




Butterfly is a colorful and most beautiful kit. Butterflies get their food from flowers, ripe fruits. The colorful butterfly looks very lovely, but each color is very beautiful on it. It looks very sweet.

The part of butterflies is like a trunk, with the help of these she suck the juices of flowers. Butterflies seek their food during the day and remain inactive at night. Butterflies are visible to us in gardens and forests. Butterflies spread their lives by sucking the sap of flowers in gardens.

Butterfly colors

Butterflies are colorful, they have many ranks such as red, yellow, blue, green, white, etc. colors are found. And the butterflies have three parts, the head, chest and stomach are the most colorful and lovely. It is very beautiful due to its colorful color.

Butterflies are one of the most distinctive features and have bright and colorful wings. There are about 17000 species of butterflyButterflies are cold blooded creatures, they detect the smell of anything with the help of their antennae. It is found all over the world.

Butterfly life

Butterfly is a very beautiful kit and its life cycle is only 1 year. But it stays anywhere from 2 days to 11 months. The fastest butterflies among these can fly at 30 miles per hour. 

Butterflies have thin and bald bodies. The butterfly spends its life in the form of a small egg. The last stage of their origin is called cocoon, after their re-growth it comes out of cocoon and their eyes are round.

Butterfly body parts

This butterfly is considered by people as the most beautiful and interesting insect. People fondly watch butterflies. The butterfly has four wings which are covered with small colors. And they have six legs and two antennas, head compound eyes and chest and abdomen.

Butterflies are very fragile, they are very delicate, but if they spread the wings, they look big. When small children hold them to play. If someone holds them tightly, they become like dead immediately.

Butterfly Queen We remember this childhood poem even today, let's tell you guys too:

Butterfly Queen Big Sayani,

Goes to flower.

By stealing colors from flowers,

Garnishes its wings.

When he gets caught,

She quickly flies away.

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