Saturday, August 22, 2020



Definition of Blood

             Blood is an essential fluid found in the body, which carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells and helps in the removal of waste materials from the cells. Blood has an extremely important role in humans and animals. The blood consists of different types of cells that float in the blood plasma. Plasma is a fluid that contains 92% of water and plasma also contains protein, glucose mineral, hormones, carbon dioxide, etc. 55% of the blood is made up of plasma.

            Albumin is the principal protein in blood plasma, red blood cells inside the blood called RBC, white blood cells called WBC, and platelets cells. Red blood cells are found in excessive amounts in the blood of reed striped animals, these red blood cells act as oxygen transport in the body, on the other hand carbon dioxide is transported by blood plasma. The blood of reed striped animals is red, due to the hemoglobin and iron element found in red blood cells.Blood is 7% of the weight of human body, the average density of blood is 1060 kg / m cube which is almost similar to water.

Composition of blood

            Different cells are found in the blood that float in plasma fluid.

The following number of cells are found in 1 microliter of blood

            Red blood cells: 1 microliter of blood contains between 4.7 to 6.1 million in men and 4.2 to 5.4 million in women.

            White blood cells: 4000 to 11000 white blood cells are found in the blood in 1 microliter blood, it works to fight bacteria and viruses and protects the body from infection and diseases. These cells are called leukocytes.

            Platelets : Platelets cells in the number of 200000 to 500000 are found in 1 microliter of blood, these are called thrombocytes cells. These cells help in clotting of blood.

            Plasma: 55% of the blood is made up of plasma salt liquid, which is light yellow in color, 90 percent of the plasma is made of water and the rest is made up of protein, amino acids, fatty acids etc.

Apart from these four major elements, blood also has many other components such as Serum albumin, blood clotting elements, lipoprotein particles, Many types of protein & several types of electrolyte sodium chloride.

PH level of blood

          Blood is alkaline, its pH level is between 7.35 to 7.45, the body maintains the pH level of blood.

Circulation of blood

         Heart is the organ in the body that transmits blood throughout the body, it is called blood transportation.

Where blood cells are formed 

          Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets form inside the bone marrow, it is a fatty substance inside the bone. There is a cell called stem cell inside the bone marrow, these cells divide into primary red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. These primary cells divide and form fully developed red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

          Blood cells are formed and destroyed, they are replaced by new blood cells, white blood cells live for a few hours to a few days, platelets survive for a few hours to 10 days, and life span of red blood cells  for 120 days, our body constantly makes new blood cells and old blood cells keep dying.

Function of blood

          Blood has many major functions in the body. Blood carries oxygen to cells in the body

  • Blood delivers many nutrients like glucose, amino acids, acetic acid etc. to the cells of the body.
  • Many waste materials such as carbon dioxide urea and lactic acid come from the blood body
  • Blood has an immune system. It uses blood cells to eliminate bacteria and viruses from outside.
  • Blood carries hormones and hormone signals to various organs. When bleeding occurs, it freezes and heals the wound.
  • Blood regulates body temperature

Normal blood glucose level

To keep the body healthy, the amount of glucose in the blood must be fixed, the body becomes unhealthy due to more or less glucose, thus the level of normal glucose in the blood.

Random blood sugar level - 200 mg / dl

Hungry stomach or fasting blood sugar level - 100 mg / dl

Blood sugar level after meals - 140 mg / dl

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