Saturday, August 1, 2020


Google extends Work From Home facility to its employees till June 30 next year

Due to the current corona virus epidemic, the world largest search engine company Googles  has taken a big decision in the interest of its employees. Google will allow most of its employees to work from home until 30 June 2021. Google gave this information on Monday. 

In an e-mail sent to his employees, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said, "To facilitate the employees in determining their upcoming plans, we are extending our global voluntary work from home option till 30 June 2021.

           The Wall Street Journal, the first to provide information about Google's move, said that this would now make the option of Work From Home for about 200,000 Google employees and contractors around June 30, 2021. It was earlier scheduled to end in December 2020.
           Following Google's move, other tech companies and large employers may also extend the work from home option deadline, as returning to employees' offices may increase the risk of infection.

          However various tech companies have said that they are expected to gradually open their offices in the coming months. At the same time, Twitter has said that it will allow all its employees to work from home indefinitely.

Significantly, India is a major market of Google and has a presence in Hyderabad and Bangalore. Pichai recently launched a Rs 75,000 crore investment plan in India, under which it plans to digitize the Indian economy over the next seven years.

Facebook and Twitter are also at work from home

Facebook and Twitter Incorporated have also allowed most of their employees to work from home indefinitely after coronovirus and lockdown. But no other company has taken the decision that Google has taken for such a long time yet. The company is publicly committed to maintaining its remote work policies in 2021.Which is the first technology company to work publicly in an effort to give employees more clarity to work from home.

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