Sunday, August 16, 2020



PM Modi launched National Digital Health Mission

         PM Modi has announced the National Digital Health Mission on the occasion of Independence Day. Modi said that all your medical examination, every disease, which doctor gave you which medicine, when, what were your reports, all this information will be contained in this one health identity card.Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday declared a "National Digital Health Campaign", calling "self-reliance" the biggest lesson from the corona virus epidemic. Addressing the countrymen on the occasion of 74th Independence Day from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Modi said that this will bring a new revolution in the health sector of the country and reduce the problems of the people through technology. He said, "Health sector has taught India's biggest learning self-reliance in the period of corona virus.

          When the corona virus epidemic started, our country had only one laboratory to investigate the corona virus. Today there are more than 1,400 laboratories in the country. "

          He said that another big campaign is going to start in the country from today and this is the "National Digital Health Mission". He said, "The National Digital Health Mission will bring a new revolution in India's health sector." People will have less problems through technology. "He said that today not one, not two, three vaccines of Korana virus are in the phase of testing in India. The Prime Minister said, "As soon as we get the green signal from the scientists, the country's preparation is also for mass production of those vaccines."

Understand what is this mission

Under this scheme, the complete health horoscope of a patient is being prepared. Modi said that all your medical examination, every disease, which doctor gave you which medicine, when, what were your reports, all this information will be contained in this one health identity card. He said, "Through this campaign people will get rid of all the problems."

How will it work

Under this, a unique ID card i.e. identity card will be found. It will be the same as Aadhaar. Through this, the personal medical history of any patient will be known. That is, if you go to any corner of the country for treatment, then you will not have to take any investigation report or slip, because all your information will be present in the health card. Doctors will only be able to know from your ID which disease you have been before and where you were treated.

Everyone will be connected to a server

Hospitals, clinics and doctors will be linked to a central server to keep complete medical data of every patient. That means hospitals, clinics and doctors will also register in it. Although the government will not make it mandatory for everyone, but the effort is that gradually everyone gets into this system, which will make it easier to keep personal health records. This information will also prove to be very helpful in Ayushman Bharat scheme released by Modi government.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to crazy
    That mean i have an another card like Aadhaar.
