Monday, August 3, 2020


  Human have 5 senses

1. Eye
2. Ear
3. Nose
4. Tongue
5. Skin 


            Everyone knows the importance of the eye because it is such a thing with the help of which we all see the whole world. It is about 2.5 cm long. Vyas are also called eye balls. It is located in the orbital cavity in the skull on the left side. This structure of bones protects external injuries to the eyes. The eyes are like a camera which has some main parts. Let's know about them all.
          The white part visible from outside of our eye is called sclera. It is a white layer. This layer protects the soft part of the eye and maintains the shape of the eye.
          It is a clean Transparent layer on the front of the eye which is convex on the outside. It does not have blood vessels but sensory nerves are many.
          There is a round hanging curtain behind the cornea called Upatara. Colorful material remains on this screen, due to which the color of eyes appears black, blue, brown etc.
          The round hole located in the middle of the Iris is called Tara or Pupil.
         Just behind the pupil is a highly transparent circular protruding transparent structure on both sides that does not have blood vessels. It hangs from the ciliary fence by suspensory ligament. According to the need to see from different distances, the thickness of the lens keeps increasing from the ciliary muscle through the perpendicular nerve. The closer to anything, the greater the thickness of the lens to see it.
       Aqueous Humor:-
       Both the cells between the cornea and the lens have a clear liquid secreted by the ciliary fence called the ophthalmid. It is constantly cleaned. If the cleaning stops due to any obstruction, then this liquid will continue to grow, causing black glaucoma. This liquid supplies the vitamin in front of the eyes with transparent structures that do not have blood vessels.
       It is an internal layer made up of nervous tissues of the eye ball and extends to the ciliary fence. All the things that are seen are small and vomit is visible on the retina which reaches the brain and is visible directly.
       Vitreous Humor:-
       The back of the lens is filled with a soft colorless transparent jelly-like substance in the last part of the eye ball called the eyeball fluid. It maintains sufficient pressure to prevent the ball of the eye ball from getting hit.
There are two eyelashes for protection in front of each eye. They have a thin pink membrane in the inner part called the eye mucosa.
       Lacrimal Gland:-
       There is a lacrimal gland in the upper corners of each eye. In this book, tears are formed, which are brought down to the eyelids by some small vessels. These tears reach the nasal cavity by the nasal lacrimal duct.


       The function of the ears is to listen and keep the body in balance. Every ear has three parts
           External ear
           Middle ear or Tympanic cavity
           Internal ear

External ear are divided into two parts
           Auricle or Pinna- This protects the ear and helps in catching the sound waves.
           External Auditory Meat - This is a winding tube approximately 2.5 cm. It contains some glands whose secretion prevents dust mites, small germs, etc. from entering the ear.
Middle  Ear
Ear Drum
Auditory bones
Auditory canal
Diffuse ear
The organs inside it function to listen and keep balance. It has two parts

                 Bony  Labyrinth- This is a series of drains that contains a fluid within it called perilymph
                 Membranous Labyrinth - This bone is smaller than the same size inside the labyrinth which fits inside a tube as the tube fits. There is also a fluid inside it called endolymph.

It has three parts -
                Vesibula- This is the portion extending towards the middle ear to which other parts are connected. It consists of oval window and round window.
                Cochlea-It looks like a horse's armor. The base of which is wide which merges into the prana.
                 Semicircular Canals - There are three semicircular canals over the periphery that open into the periphery.

Mechanism of Equilibrium
               The second main function of the ears after listening is to keep the body in balance. The auditory function is not done by semicircular tubes, it helps the body to maintain equilibrium and balance.
When the balance of the body deteriorates, there is a movement in the fluid perilymph and endolymph located in these tubes, which move the impulse to the brain by the vestibular part of the vestibulo chochlear nerve and the reflex action causes instant body equilibrium.


          Its  function is to learn the smell of things along with respiration.
          In the nasal cavity, the ends of the olfactory nerves are spread below the upper incisors. As many as the smelling object is, very microscopic nasal particles come out of it which reach the nasal medium through the breath and there by stimulating the ends of the nerve fibers, they go to the brain through the nasal nervous system.The sensation of smell is very delicate. If you stay in one smell for a long time, then the feeling of smell ends.


          The function of the tongue is to recognize taste. There are many subtle papillae on the tongue. The inner part of each sprout contains the ends of the nerve fibers that recognize the taste.

         There are three types of seedlings.

Vallate Papillae - These are about 10-12 in number. These are the largest and easily visible shoots towards the base of the tongue.

Fungiform Papillae - They are smaller but much larger in number than the first sprouts, which are found mainly on the sides and ends of the tongue.

Thread like Papillae - These are the smallest but the largest in number which are found on the next two-third surface of the tongue.

Taste of sweetness is found at the tip of the tongue, of sourness on both sides of the tongue, of salty on the middle part of the tongue and hardness on the back of the tongue.


         Skin is the outer covering of human body. The skin is made in two parts. Let us know below.

It is of different thickness in different parts of the body, it is the thickest in the soles of palms and feet. It has no blood vessels and nerves.

It contains a large number of collagen and elastic fibers, making the skin hard and flexible. Below this, there are subcutaneous tissues in which there are deposits of fats. Body thickness increases as more fats accumulate. There is a network of capillaries of small arteries and small veins.

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