Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The third phase of the corona vaccine trial will be held in India from today

Rapid progress has been made in the production of corona vaccines. The third phase of the trial will begin tomorrow, said Dr V.K. Paul. The other 2 vaccines are on trial stage tour. The three vaccines were also mentioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Independence Day.

On Independence Day, Prime Minister promised the people that they get the corona vaccine (Dr.V.K ). Stage 3 of the corona virus vaccine is very long ( Paul ).  What will he do after leaving the post It is unknown at this time. As long as Stage-1 and Stage-2 take weeks, Stage-3 may take a few more weeks. '

"Test rates have risen in the country," Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan told a news conference today. More than 3 crore Tests have been conducted in the country so far. There are now 600,000 tests a day in the country. Despite the increase in tests, the positive rate is declining. Rajesh Bhushan said the success was due to the fact that the infected were being identified and tested very soon.

Last week, the positive rate was 10.03 per cent, but now it has dropped to 6.62. The death toll has dropped from 2.7 percent in July to 1.8 percent. The death toll is set to rise to 1 percent. Five days after the death, he was found to be infected. However, the outbreak of the epidemic for five days cannot be estimated. He encouraged people as well to take part in solving this great task: "One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure ... there are going to be some difficult decisions for government".

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