Wednesday, September 30, 2020



The budget is a plan made for the future, which is made by estimating the revenue and other income and expenses for the whole year. In which the Financial Minister, after estimating his expenditure before the government, makes several plans for the coming year, and presents it to the public during every financial year. An ideal budget is one in which there is no selfishness. In that budget, good plans have been made for the people, business, government, country, multinational organization, one person, family, group and expenses and investments have been made.

Budget according to constitution

According to Article 112 of the Constitution, the President makes annual financial statements before both the Houses of Parliament during each financial year, which contains the details of the previous year's income / receipts and expenses of the government.

The budget prescribes mainly two items -

Expenditure on accumulated funds of the Government of India.

Required amount to compensate for other expenses incurred for the government's accumulated fund.

Apart from this, details of other and revenue expenses have to be given in the budget.

Objectives of Budget

For every year, the government makes a plan in advance. In which the main purpose of the budget would be to collect the sources of income of the government such as collection of different taxes or taxes, income from revenue, government fees-penalty, dividend, interest on the loan given, etc. and all these income back to the public. is :-

To increase the rate of economic growth.

To remove poverty and unemployment.

Removing inequalities and using income in right schemes.

Maintaining price and economic stability in the market.

To keep funds for all other areas like rail, electricity, finance, food grains, food, banks.

Type of Budget

Generally, the annual budget is made by the department allocated in the finance ministries. The final approval of which is given by the President, which is in relation to both the central and state government. The Railway Budget is prepared separately by the Ministry of Railways. There are mainly two types of budgets.

  • Central budget
  • Railway budget
  • Union Budget

The largest budget presented by the central government is made keeping in mind every class of people. Which is also called the general budget, it has all kinds of provisions which are passed in the form of bills. Every year, new budgets are passed along with new rules and laws. There are many small provisions in the Union Budget, for which the budget is made, such as-

Rail Budget

The Railway Budget is presented in Parliament by the Railway Minister during every financial year. In which for the general public,

Many new trains are announced.

E-Railways facilities for travelers.

Declaring facilities in trains and on platforms.

Booking and checking facility through SMS and net.

These are the two mainly made budgets. Which, as far as possible, is made in February. And is declared during the financial year.

Similarly, the budget of the Center, which is applicable to the whole country. But each state has its own separate budget, in which, it makes provision for the state.

Significance of Budget:

Following are the prevailing statements on the importance of financial administration for government administration:

Kautilya - “All work depends on finance. Therefore, most attention should be paid to the treasury. "

Lloyd George- "Government is finance."

Morsten Marx- "Finance in administration is as ubiquitous as oxygen in the environment."

Monday, September 28, 2020


 Meaning of Delegation of Authority

The principle of hierarchy (scalable theory) assists different levels and levels of organization from a continuous series of authority. The heart of this principle is delegation of authority.

Elements of Delegation:

There are three main things covered under delegation, namely the following three major elements of delegation:

1. Assignment of Rights:

Delegation refers to delegation of rights and duties. If any work is to be done by a subordinate employee, then necessary power should also be entrusted to get that work done. Performance cannot be possible in the absence of power transfer.

2. Assignment of Duties:

The higher officer alone cannot perform the entire work. Therefore, distribution of tasks and responsibilities among subordinates is an essential process. The higher officer determines which task is to be assigned to which person.

3. Executing Responsibilities:

It is also necessary to determine the responsibility after delegating the rights and duties. The subordinates are responsible to the higher officials from whom they get rights and duties.

Need for Delegation:

The following factors are primarily responsible for the need for delegation:

1. When there is excess of workload, division of work or division of labor becomes very necessary, otherwise there is no economy and efficiency in performing tasks.

2. Over time, there are technical complexities in organizations that require experts to deal with them. In such a situation it becomes necessary for a higher officer to delegate technical subjects to experts.

3. It is only on the delegation of power to subordinates by higher officer that their morale increases and they get opportunity to learn and gain experience.

4. Flexibility can be brought by removing inertia and orthodoxy in the organization through delegation in changed circumstances.

5. 'Planning' and 'policy making' are the main responsibilities of the high officer. He can perform these obligations successfully only when he delegates other tasks to subordinates.

6. As a result of delegation, it is possible to evaluate how much commitment is there among the subordinates. It is only through delegation that those qualities are developed in subordinates so that they become efficient managers in future.

7. An experienced and qualified administrator is already ready to take up the post after a senior officer leaves office. Delegation is the most effective way to prepare a successor to any high official.

Kinds of Delegation:

Delegation can be done in the following forms:

1. Partial and Complete Delegation:

Delegation of power can be complete or partial depending on the quantity.

2. Restricted and Non-Restricted Delegation:

If the condition is not followed in any delegation made on the basis of any condition, power can be withdrawn. This representation is called delegation. Not so in unrestricted delegation.

3. Formal and Informal Delegation:

Delegation made under the rules in any organization is called formal. Informal delegation is done on the basis of mutual relations.

4. Downward, Upward and Outward Delegation:

In the following delegation, power is delegated to its subordinates; in the upward delegation, power is transferred upwards; in the outgoing power delegation is outward, such as land donation.

5. Direct and Indirect Delegation:

There is no intermediary in direct delegation while in indirect delegation the transfer of power takes place through a third person.

Limits of Delegation:

Delegation also has some limitations, that is, delegation of some rights is not possible.

These rights are as follows:

1. Inspection and control of immediate subordinate employees' names.

2. Right to make rules and regulations.

3. Making new policies and new plans.

4. Appointing higher level and appeals against decisions of subordinate employees. These rights cannot be delegated to anyone else.

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Consumer Behavior Process

Do you want to make your business a big brand, do you want to take your product from door to door, for this you have to understand the customer's mindset and the customer's mindset and to understand the customer's mindset Customer behavior has to be known. Consumer Behavior is a technique with which we can know the likes and dislikes of the customer.

What is consumer behavior?

There are many factors affecting consumer behavior. These are cultural, social, personal, psychological, marketing campaigns, economic conditions, personal preferences etc. So first we will discuss about consumer behavior in detail.

Consumer behavior is mainly a study on the people that groups and organizations do, the consumer's ability to buy which is done by looking at goods, experiences and rejection. It tells the motives behind their action and their actions in the market In general terms, we can say that consumer behavior is a way by which we can know how the consumer decides what they want, how they buy, how Uses and how to get rid of things they don't want.

Importance of consumer behavior

Consumer behavior is a marketplace that contributes a lot to the market and by studying it, the market gets to know which products the market needs. Which product is outdated and which product to show to the consumer to understand consumer behavior. After this we can assume that the consumer is an actor and she is playing a role in the market. The consumer plays a lot of roles, he plays the role of informer, plays the role of payer from the user, this role is mainly played while shopping. This role can be different in different situations.

 Types of consumer behavior

1.Complex Buying Behavior - In this type of consumer behavior, the consumer purchases very expensive things. For this, she has done a lot of research beforehand.

2.Dissonance- reducing buying behavior - In this type of consumer behavior, the consumer is very confused. And this also goes on in his mind that I should not regret it later.

3.Habitual Buying Behavior - In this type of consumer behavior, the consumer has no meaning with the brand, it only means from the product, irrespective of the brand.

4.Variety seeking behavior - In this type of consumer behavior, every time a consumer needs a different product. This does not mean that she was not satisfied with the first product. Just want to try different product each time.

Factors affect consumer behavior

There are many factors influencing consumer behavior. There are many factors that play an important role in influencing consumer behavior.

(1) Personal Factor: There are four major factors influencing personal factor.

(A) Age or lifecycle factor

Age greatly affects the buying behavior of the consumer. As the age of people increases, their needs increase and some products are made on the basis of such as baby bottle is made for children, because no adult can use it. Some companies produce products keeping in mind the particular age group. People of all ages have different needs. With age, man's living habits also change. Where a young man spends money for entertainment, an old man will spend money for health.

(B) Gender: 

The buying behavior of the consumer also varies along with gender. Both a male and a female have different choices. Also, both of them have different needs, some things may have their necessary items such as movies, webseries, food, fun, technological gadgets and travel. But some products are made for either of them. For example, makeup products can only be used by women and products like shaving razer can be used only by men.

(C) Income

Income can also shift the consumer from one product to another product or from one brand to another. A educated man will do research before going to market which an illiterate person cannot do. As people are getting educated, they want to know more about the product they get. Now they do not depend on advertisements only. Now if an educated man is going to the market, he buys only those products that satisfy him.

(D) Education: 

Studying man changes the way he sees the world. A educated man will do research before going to the market which an illiterate man cannot do. As people are getting educated, they want to know more about the product they get. Now they do not depend on advertisements only. Now if an educated man is going to the market, he buys only those products which satisfy him.

(2) Psychological factors: 

psychological factors are those which affect the customer physically and mentally. Some of them are -

(A) Perception:

The perception is that how the consumer sees and defines your product depends on many factors such as what the consumer thinks about your brand, what hears and what the consumer thinks about a product. Decisions can change.

As we know that first impression is last impression. Therefore, if a brand promotes its product well, it can leave a long and effective impression on the customer's mind.

(B) Learning:

Learning is a process that shows what the customer remembers about a product by using it and it can also be positive and negative. Whether or not they will buy that product in the future, it also shows if the quality, price and service of the product has

Satisfied the consumer properly and fulfilled his expectations only then he will think of taking it in future.

(C) Motivation:

Motivation is an internal power that encourages the consumer to buy a particular product when a consumer decides that I should buy this product. And if I want this product in any way, then it works in favor of the product.

(D) Attitude and beliefs:

Sometimes a customer attaches his belief to a particular product. When a consumer becomes a mindset with a particular product and she believes it to be true. A belief can be positive as well as negative. The attitude shows what a customer responds to about a product that depends on his belief.

(3) Cultural factors: 

cultural factors affecting consumer behavior:

Culture is a group of those belifs and perceptions in which a person learns from his family and society at a very early stage. And follow it. Culture can also be divided into food, tradition and behavior.

For example, the culture of America is different from India, in America, female prefers western clothes while in India female prefers sari.

(A) Sub-culture:

Every culture can be divided into sab-culture such as gender, class and caste. And everyone has their own beliefs like red lehenga is worn in Hindu wedding whereas white gown is preferred in Kristen marriages. An upper class man will spend on luxurious items while a lower class man will spend on cheap products. And in a gender, it is believed that only women can use fareness cream.

(C) Social class:

When a society is divided on its social standing, aadhar of economic and its wealth, it is called social class.

Social class is created on the basis of income, education and occupation. Social class affects consumer behavior because people do their purchase, consumption and even intract on the basis of social standing.

(4) Social Factors

Social factors are related to society and mainly social behavior affects consumer behavior.

(A) Family:

When people are related to each other, whether it is from blood or by adoption or living together, it is called family. Family plays a big role in influencing consumer behavior because a man builds his personality, faith, perception and taste according to his family.

For example, a child makes his decisions according to his family because he is dependent on him, in whose family all decisions are taken by the male head.

(B) Reference group:

The reference group is a group of people whose advice is taken while making indivisual purchases. The reference group can influence the behavior of the consumer because a person's beliefs, perception, values ​​aur behavior are generally influenced by the reference group.

(C) Social role and status:

The role of a man is decided on the basis of his position in a group. People shop on the basis of their role and status in the society, they purchase such products which they can show as status in their group. Therefore marketers should make a product based on the status of their target customer.

Like -mobile and cars in today's time a status symbol. 

Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior

1.purchasing power:

Purchasing power plays an important role in influencing consumer behavior. Generally, before purchasing any product or service, the consumer thinks about the consumer's purchasing power as well as his savings. It does not matter how your product is. If it meets the consumer's needs, the consumer will buy it. Consumer behavior and purchasing power helps the consumer to buy better products.

2.Group effect:

Group effect plays a very important role in influencing consumer behavior. Mainly, the group effect includes family members, close friends and immediate relatives.

For example, the phone has an example of iphone group effect.

3.personal priority:

Personally, consumer behavior is influenced differently by likes, dislikes and trusts. Personal care is based on the personal thinking of the consumer, such as fashion and the Khadi industry.

Advertising can affect thinking to some extent. | The consumer's likes and dislikes affect the consumer's purchase.

4.Internal power:

Internal power plays an important role in influencing consumer thinking. The decision of the consumer affects the buying of the market. Whenever the market economy is growing, the purchase of the customer also increases. Whenever the economy goes down, the purchase of the customer is affected. Positive internal environment helps the consumer to shop with confidence.

5.Marketing campaigns:

marketing campaigns have a great impact on consumer shopping. Marketing campaigns are also known to bring a great change in the consumer's purchasing decisions and market shares. marketing campaigns can affect the consumer to the extent that the consumer can choose one brand over another or make a big purchase. Regular marketing campaigns help consumers remind consumers to buy good products, insurance policies and exciting products.


 What is Digital India? 

Digital is a campaign launched by the Government of India to impart knowledge of technology and digital world to the people in India. Today India is far away from the digital world as most people are still far away from the online world so this campaign has been started.

The goal of the Digital India campaign has been started to connect all government facilities electronically and to the Internet. This will not only increase the knowledge of digital transactions of every Indian, but will also make the country corruption-free.

It launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 1 July 2015. The government plans to provide digital facilities to this project across India by 2019.

Also, according to this scheme, fast internet will be provided to rural areas. The Digital India campaign will also save paper-less time and reduce the long queues of people in offices. The main role in this project is that of 'Ministry of Communications and Information Technology' who are engaged in the work behind it.

Main objectives of Digital India Mission

1. Making the digital system secure Safe and Secure Digital Infrastructure

If this scheme is fully successful in India, then it will make a huge contribution to the development of the country. With this, people will be able to use all the services of online so that their capital will be more secure in the country. 

Also, according to the Digital India Campaign, high-speed internet will be provided everywhere from small villages to cities in India, with the help of which people will learn to use the facilities of online and make it a part of life.

2. Providing all government services online

Today most offices are operating through the Internet. But online work has not started in some government offices. According to this campaign, all the services in all government organizations will be made online very soon. With the help of online services, people will not have to wait much longer, corruption will not happen.

3. Digital Literacy encouragement Digital Literacy encouragement

Along with this campaign, the government has added services like mobile number, PAN, bank account, life insurance, with the help of Aadhaar card, now with the help of which every Indian will be identified correctly and people will link these services to Aadhaar. Will be able to use it easily. Also, it has become very easy to apply for jobs and in schools because now everything is being digitally linked.

Major pillars of Digital India program 

1. Broadband Highways

Under this, the government has planned that broadband services will be provided in about 2.5 lakh panchayats of the country. Under this, the National Optical Fiber Network has to reach from village to village so that the corner of the country can connect with the digital world.

2. Mobile phone facility

Under this, the Government of India has planned to install mobile phone towers in almost all villages and Naxalite affected areas. With this, more and more people will be able to get mobile phone internet service and people will learn to use digital things.

3. Public Internet Access Program

Under this, internet services will be provided in all public facilities offices and areas. Providing fast internet service mainly at places like Post Office, Bank, Jan Seva Kendra (CSC) Center.

4. E-Governance

E-governance has been introduced in all government offices to make the transaction processes better and easier. Now in most government places, you will find that invoices and services are being given through online services.

5. E-revolution

Electronic revolution (e-revolution) has to be promoted in every region, from the country's city to the village. The e-revolution will encourage education, business, health, financial sector to be connected to the internet.

6. Information for all

Under this, information of all types of government and non-government schemes and facilities will be made available online to the people of India. Also, all updates will be given to people on all social media and online portals. All this is now being done through MyGov.

7. Electronics Production

Even today, India is importing more and more percentage of electronic products from other countries. But this scheme has helped many electronic goods producers to set up companies in India. Also, it is providing employment to Indian people and our country is self-sufficient in making electronic products.

8. IT for Jobs

Under this, IT (Information Technology) has to be promoted. Due to this, big IT companies are setting up their small branches and business in India, which has seen employment of IT engineer of the country and boom in IT sector.

9. Early Harvest Program

Under this, the program is to be introduced through Aadhaar approved fingerprints in all central government workplaces. Now you can see such facilities in all the artio offices from the bank. Also, the work of software development related to it also comes under this.

Benefits of Digital India 

  1. To make this campaign a success, the government first took biometric data of people with the help of Aadhaar so that their unique identity can be found.
  2. After getting the unique identity of all Indian people, all services such as mobile number, PAN, bank account, life insurance, ration card, gas connection, driving license are being linked to Aadhaar card from Indian citizens.
  3. After that all the facilities are being provided to the people with the help of Aadhaar.
  4. Due to this, people are being identified correctly and at the same time corruption in the middle has reduced.
  5. Now you can buy a mobile SIM with the help of Aadhaar from home, apply your PAN, register your business with the help of Udyog Aadhaar, take your life insurance online, and there are many services that are online KYC. And with the help of OTP, they are being completed in a few minutes, for which people had to wait for months.
  6. Now almost all Indian banks have facility of online banking and ATM, with the help of which people can transact all the money sitting at home.
  7. Now PAN is also being linked to Aadhar, with the help of which no income tax will be stolen and people can also pay TDS (tax-deducted / tax deducted at source) sitting at home.
  8. If you get the goods sitting at home without going to any shop, then you will definitely buy. Now you can buy salmon sitting at home on online shopping website and save your time and money. But the special thing is to get people digitally educated.
  9. Now you can Verify all your important documents with the facility of DigiLocker and save them in your mobile phone. This eliminates the danger of your documents getting roamed.

Friday, September 25, 2020



In modern times, women empowerment is a topic of special discussion. Recognizing the importance of women in our Adi-texts, it is even told that "Yatra Narayastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devta": That is, where the woman is worshiped, the deity resides there.

But see the irony, despite having so much power in a woman, she is feeling the need of empowerment. Economic empowerment of women refers to the availability of their economic decisions, income, wealth and other things, only by getting these facilities can they raise their social status.

In order to bring awareness in the society about the importance and rights of women in the development of the nation, many programs like Mother's Day, International Women's Day etc. are being run by the government. Women need development in many fields.

In India, in order to empower women, it is first necessary to kill all those demonic thoughts that kill their rights and values ​​in society, such as dowry, illiteracy, sexual violence, inequality, feticide, domestic violence towards women, Prostitution, human trafficking and similar topics.

There is a high level of gender inequality in our country. Where women are suffering from bad behavior of their family as well as external society. Women are number one in the number of illiterates in India.

The real meaning of women empowerment will be understood when they are given good education in India and they will be able to make independent decisions in every field.

Meaning of women empowerment - 

The empowerment of this creation is to empower women by empowering them with social, economic, political justice, freedom of thought, belief, religion and worship, equality of opportunity.

In other words - women empowerment means improving the social and economic status of women. So that they can get equal opportunities for employment, education, economic growth, so that they can achieve social freedom and progress. This is the way by which women too can fulfill their aspirations like men.

In simple words, women empowerment can be defined in such a way that it flows the power of women through which they can take all the decisions related to their life and live well in family and society. 

The need for women empowerment india -

There are many reasons for the need for women empowerment in India. In the medieval period, the honor level of Indian women decreased significantly compared to ancient times. The respect that was given to them in ancient times, in the medieval period, that respect began to decline.

(i) In the modern era, many Indian women hold many important political and administrative positions, yet ordinary rural women are still obliged to stay in their homes and they do not have facilities like general health facilities and education.

(ii) In India, women are far behind men in terms of education. The education rate of men in India is 81.3 percent, while the education rate of women is only 60.6 percent.

(iii) Women in urban areas of India are more employable than women in rural areas, according to the data, about 30 percent women work in the software industry in the cities of India, about 90 percent women in rural areas, mainly agriculture and allied Performs daily wages in areas.

(iv) Another major reason for the need for women empowerment in India is also inequality in payments. A study has revealed that despite equal experience and qualifications, women in India are paid 20 percent less than men.

(v) Our country is moving forward with great speed and enthusiasm, but we can maintain it only when we are able to overcome gender inequality and ensure equal education, promotion and payment for women as men. Could.

(vi) About 50 percent of India's population is women only, meaning half of this population is needed for the development of the whole country which is still not strong and is bound by many social restrictions. 

(Vii) India had a gender inequality and a male dominated society since ancient times. Women were pressurized by their own families and society for various reasons and they were subjected to various forms of violence and discrimination in family and society, which is not only seen in India but also in other countries.

(viii) In Indian society, it is a tradition to worship women goddesses as mother, sister, daughter, wife to honor women, but today it is only a hypocrisy.

(ix) Social political rights (freedom of work, right to education etc.) were completely banned by male family members.

(x) In the last few years, many constitutional and legal rights have been created and enforced by the government to remove gender inequality and bad practices against women. However women to solve such a big topic

Everyone needs constant support.

(xi) Women are more open minded and are breaking social bonds to get their rights in all dimensions. However, the crime is going on simultaneously.

Obstacles in the path of women empowerment in India (hurdles in implementation of women empowerment in India)

Indian society is a society which includes many customs, beliefs and traditions. Some of these old beliefs and traditions are such that prove to be a hindrance for women empowerment in India. Some of the same barriers are as follows -

(i) Due to old and orthodox ideologies, many areas of India prohibit women from leaving their homes. Women in such areas do not have the freedom to go out of their homes for education or employment.

(ii) Due to living in an environment of old and orthodox ideologies, women find themselves inferior to men and fail to change their current social and economic condition.

(iii) Exploitation in the workplace is also a major obstacle in women empowerment. Private sectors such as service industries, software industries, educational institutions and hospitals are most affected by this problem.

(iv) Problems for women arise due to the dominance of male prominence in the society. In the past few years, there has been a rapid increase in harassment of women in the field of work and there has been an increase of about 170 percent in the last few decades.

(v) In India, women are still discriminated against at the gender level in workplaces. In many areas, women are not even allowed to go out for education and employment. Also, they do not have the freedom to work independently or take decisions related to family and they are always considered less than men in every task.

(vi) In India, women are paid less than their male counterparts and this problem is even more pathetic in the unorganized sector, especially in places with daily wages.

(vii) Women are paid less than men even when they do the same work for the same amount of time, and such work shows the power disparity between women and men. Women working in the organized sector are paid less than men, despite having the same experience and qualifications as their male counterparts.

(viii)  Although in urban areas, girls are equal to boys in education, but in rural areas they are far behind.

(ix) The female education rate in India is 64.6 percent, while the education rate of men is 80.9 percent. 

(x) Although child marriages like child marriage in India have been reduced to a great extent by effective decisions taken by the government in the last few decades, but a report from UNICEF in 2018 shows that India still has about 15 every year. Lakh girls are married before the age of 18, due to early marriage, the development of women stops and they are not physically and mentally adults.

(xi) Serious crimes like dowry, honor killing and trafficking are seen against Indian women with many domestic violence. However, it is quite strange that women in urban areas are more prone to criminal attacks than women in rural areas.

(xii) Working women also do not use public transport late in the night due to their safety. In the true sense, women empowerment can be achieved only when the safety of women can be ensured and like men, they can come freely without any fear.

(xiii) Female feticide or abortion based on gender is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of women empowerment in India. Female feticide refers to feticide on the basis of gender, under which female feticide is aborted without the consent of the mother. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 What is social media?

Social media is a nontraditional media. This creates a virtual world that can be accessed through the Internet. It is a big network, which keeps the whole world connected. It is a very good medium of communication. It involves the exchange of information at a rapid pace, which contains news from every field.

Social media plays a positive role by which any person, institution, group and country etc. can be made economically, socially, culturally and politically prosperous. Through social media, there have been many developmental works that have enriched democracy, which has increased the unity, integrity, secularism, socialist qualities of any country.

We see many examples, which corroborate the above, in which one can see 'INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION', which was a campaign against corruption which was fought on the streets as well as on social media due to which the huge population Anna Connected with Hazare's movement and made it influential.

During the 2014 general election, political parties played an important role in making the general public aware of the election using fierce social media. The use of social media in this general election increased the voting percentage, as well as increased awareness among the youth about the election. A large number of youths took to the streets to bring justice to 'Nirbhaya' through social media, forcing the government to enact a new and more effective law under pressure.

Social media is a great platform for spreading popularity, where a person can make himself or any of his products more popular. Today, the trailer of movies, TV programs are also being broadcast through social media. Video and audio chats have also been facilitated through social media, with Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram being some of the major platforms.

While social media plays a positive role, some people also misuse it. Such people try to divide people by spreading maliciousness by using social media in a wrong way. Misleading and negative information is shared through social media, which adversely affects the public.

Many times the matter gets so much that the government becomes strict on misuse of social media and we have seen that the government has to ban social media even in a state like Jammu and Kashmir. Social media was also banned in the farmers' agitation in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra so that anti-social elements could not carry out any major incident under the guise of the peasant movement.

Just as a coin has two sides, social media also has two sides, which are as follows -

Impact of social media in daily life

It is a very fast communication medium

• It gathers information in one place

• Provides easy news

• For all classes, such as educated class or uneducated class

• In any way, no person is the owner of any content.

• Photos, videos, information, documents, etc. can be shared easily

Side effects of social media

• It provides a lot of information, many of which is also misleading.

• Information can be twisted in any way.

• By changing the nature of any information, it can be made provocative which has nothing to do with reality.

• Lack of original source due to no owner of content here.

• Privacy completely dissolves.

• Editing photos or videos can spread confusion, sometimes resulting in the possibility of riots.

• Cyber ​​crime is the biggest problem related to social media

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Home Essentials for Covides:

1. Paracetamol

2. Betadin to clean and rinse the mouth

3. Vitamins C and D3

4. B complex

5. Steam + capsules for hot bumps

6. Oxymeter

7. Oxygen cylinder (only in case of emergency)

8. Healing Bridge App

9. Breathing exercises

Covid's three states:

1. Nose-related cough = usually in the absence of fever and no symptoms if smelling bumps, taking vitamin C, it takes half a day to recover.

2. Throat-related cough = sore throat if you have inflammation of the throat, drinking warm water, if there is a fever in the body, eat paracetamol, vitamin C, and B complex and if there is too much temperature, eat an antibiotic.

3. Lung cough = Cough and shortness of breath for four to five days - Vitamin C, and B complex, hot water rinsing, oxymetry, paracetamol, plenty of fluids needed, deep breathing exercises if necessary, deep breathing exercise. 

You have to go to the hospital in this situation:

Monitor the oxygen level, if it is close to 43 (normal level 98-100), you need an oxygen cylinder I do not need to be admitted to any hospital if it is available at home. 

Stay healthy, stay safe!

Please send all your contacts within India I don't know if it can help anyone I Tata Group has launched a great innovative effort I They are offering free doctor advice through online chat I This is for you. Don't go outside and you'll be safe at home

Hints from hospitals' private rooms, which we can do in our own homes. 

Medicines used in hospitals' dormitories:

1. Vitamin C - 1000

2. Vitamin E (E)

3. Sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes every day, (total time required to be 10 to 11 hours) 

4. Egg meal bhajan I once a day

5. For a minimum of 7-8 hours we go to rest or sleep I

6. We drink 1.5 liters of water every day

7. All foods should be warm (not cold) I All these things that we do in the hospital to strengthen the immune system. 

Note that the pH of the corona virus changes from 5.5 to 8.5.

So, in order to get rid of the virus, we just have to eat more alkaline foods above the viral load.

These are:


Raw Lemon - 9.9 pH

Ripe lemon - 8.2 pH

Amber - 15.6 pH

Garlic - 13.2 pH

Mango - 8.7 pH

Temperature - 8.5 pH

Sapuri - 12.7 pH

Hyacinth leaves - 22.7 pH

Orange - 9.2 pH

How do you know if you're infected with the coronavirus?

1. Itching of the throat

2. Dry throat

3. Dry cough

4. High body temperature

5. Difficulty breathing

6. We can't smell and smell

Also, hot water with lemon removes the virus from the beginning before it reaches the lungs.

Monday, September 21, 2020


Time is one of the most valuable things in life and we cannot waste it because it never returns once it is gone. Since childhood, we have been working according to certain rules and time. Each and everything in this world is determined by time and thus time is the most important unit of our life.

 Time management is managing your time efficiently so that all your daily tasks are completed in an orderly manner. One who can manage his time resources can successfully complete any task. The importance of time management has been repeatedly emphasized. This is why it is so important to manage your time efficiently as well as to make some effective suggestions for it:

Importance of Time management:

 Whether you are a student, a corporate worker or a housewife, you should manage your time efficiently to complete your tasks organically. Here's why time management is important:

Time is limited:

once gone it will never come back. Thus it is most important for you.

Better Decision Making:

When you plan your tasks according to the time already available then you will definitely be able to make better decisions and handle your work more efficiently.

Lower stress level:

Stress and anxiety arise when you have a lot of tasks at hand, but there is conflict about where to start and how to go about them. If you prepare a list, prioritize your tasks and make a plan to complete them on time, so that you will be able to combat stress.

More Productivity:

Maximum time is wasted in thinking and planning what to do next. When you create a schedule to manage your time more efficiently you already know what is to be done next and thus can provide more productivity.

Tips to manage time efficiently:

The suggestions below should help you manage your time efficiently:

Start early: It is always better to start your day a little later so that you have more time to invest in productive activities. However, saying that, you should not compromise your sleep. It is necessary for you to complete 7-8 hours of sleep each day.

Make a to-do list: You should plan your day first thing in the morning and the best way to do this is to create a to-do list. List your tasks based on your priority and start completing them one by one.

Give Your Work Time: Specify the time for each task on your list and make sure that you have completed them within the set time.

Taking a break: Do not participate from work to task. Give yourself some time in between and start the next task with greater motivation.

Eat healthy: It is essential to have a well-balanced diet to stay energetic throughout the day and for the most time you have.

Secret of Success

The watch will always be moving. So try to get as much of what you have at this time.

It is stupid to waste time being caught in the past. Being worried about the future will not achieve anything. What happened in the past and what people said to you, this thing does not matter today. Also, thinking about what will happen tomorrow or will not happen, not doing anything today is also harmful for you.

For this reason, what do you spend your time with, what do you do in those times, all these things decide your success or not. It is considered an important secret of success.

  • Time is an invaluable gift, use it carefully and invest. By wasting time in useless tasks, learn something new in the best time.
  • Those who do not do any work in their life and keep wandering around, keep away from such people and spend that much time in good work.
  • Make a list of important work and complete them according to their priority.

Later, due to ignoring the small tasks which are not necessary at the moment, it can be harmful later like exercising, reading for examination from the beginning, etc., keep an eye on them and invest a little time in them everyday. Doing so will avert future troubles.

If you want to know the importance of time, ask them!

  • If you want to know the importance of one year, ask the student who failed in any Competitive exam.
  • To know the importance of one month, ask the mother who gave birth to a newborn.
  • If you want to know the importance of a week, ask the editor of the weekly journalist.
  • If you want to know the importance of one hour, ask the lover who is waiting to meet you.
  • If you want to know the importance of one minute, ask the person who has missed the train.
  • If you want to know the importance of a second, then ask the person whose Accident kept happening.
  • If you want to know the importance of a millisecond, ask the person who has won the silver medal in Olympics.

Every moment you have is like a treasure. We should make good use of it and share it with someone good and spend as much time as needed. And one thing to remember always! -

"Time does not wait for anyone."

So don't waste your time in things that are giving you grief and suffering. Spend your time with people who want to see you successful. Those who see your qualities and inspire them to enhance them. Use 100% for every minute. Do not spend even a minute of your work doing useless things, but with full dedication towards your goal and keep increasing step by step.

Sunday, September 20, 2020


 Meaning of marketing environment:

The marketing activities of a business are influenced by many internal and external factors; While some factors are in control of the business, most are not; And, the business has to adapt itself to avoid being affected by changes in these factors; These external and internal causal groups create a marketing environment in which the business operates.

Every organization needs to think critically about the environments in which it operates. It has two parts - Internal & External Environment.The internal environment is company specific and includes owners, workers, machines, materials, etc.

It divided into two categories: Micro and Macro; Micro or work environment is also specific to business but external; This includes factors engaged in the production, distribution, and promotion. Macro  environments include large social forces that affect society as a whole.The macro environment is composed of six components: demographic, economic, physical, technological, political-legal and socio-cultural environments.

Factor's of Marketing Environment

Marketing activities are influenced by many factors inside and outside a business firm; These factors or forces that influence marketing decision making are collectively called marketing environments; This includes all forces that have an impact on the market and marketing efforts of the enterprise.

Internal factors - In marketing environment (employees, customers, shareholders, retailers and distributors, etc.) And, external factors (political, legal, social, technical, economic) are involved that surround the business and influence marketing operations.Firms should be well aware of their marketing environment in which this environmental factor is acting to remove the negative effects the firm is imposing on the marketing activities of the firm.

Classification of marketing environment:

Marketing environments can be broadly classified into three parts;

Internal environment:

The internal marketing environment includes all factors that are within the organization and affect overall business operations; These factors include labor, inventory, company policy, logistics, budget, capital assets, etc. which are a part of the organization; And, influence marketing decisions and its relationship with customers; These factors can be controlled by the firm.

External or Micro Environment:

It includes all factors that are closely related to the operation of the business and affect its functioning; Microenvironmental factors include customers, employees, suppliers, retailers and distributors, shareholders, competitors, government and the general public; These factors are somewhat controllable.

Macro Environment:

It includes all factors that exist outside the organization and cannot be controlled; These factors mainly include social, economic, technological forces, political and legal influences. 

Importance of environmental analysis:

Environmental analysis has the following benefits:

It helps in marketing analysis.

It can assess the impact of opportunities and threats on business.

They facilitate the company to raise general awareness about environmental change.

It is possible to develop effective marketing strategies based on analysis.

It helps to capitalize on opportunities rather than losing to competitors.

They facilitate understanding of environmental elements.

It helps develop the best strategies, in light of the analysis of "what's happening around the company"

Saturday, September 19, 2020



Organisms are divided into different classes based on their anatomy, form and function. This classification of organisms is done in a certain hierarchical view ie the hierarchy of the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Genus and Species. 

Development of taxonomy

Aristotle first divided the living world into two groups, namely, the flora and fauna. After that, Linnaeus classified all the organisms into plants and animals in his book 'Systema Naturae'. It is because the foundation of modern classification system is laid on the basis of the classification system done by them.In 1969, the traditional bicameral classification system was replaced by the five world system presented by Whittaker. Whittaker classified all creatures into the following five kingdoms:

1. Kingdom Monera: This world consists of prokaryotic organisms ie Bacteria, Cyanobacteria and Archibacteria.

2. Kingdom Protista: This world consists of unicellular eukaryotic organisms. Yuglina, which is situated between plants and animals, is included in this world.

3. Kingdom Fungi: This includes organisms dependent on parasites and dead food for food. Their cell wall is made of chitin.

4. Kingdom Plantae : This world consists of algae and multicellular green plants.

5. Kingdom Animalia : This includes all multicellular animals. It is also called 'Metazoa'.

In 1982, Margulius and Schwartz revisited the five world classifications. It included one prokaryotic and four eukaryotic worlds ie Protista, fungi, plantae and animalia. Currently this classification system is the most recognized.

1. Monera 

It is further divided into Archaebacteria and Eubacteria, of which Archaibacteria are more ancient.

a. Archaebacteria: Most of these are autotrophs and they derive their energy from metabolic activities, sources of chemical energy (eg ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide gas). In the presence of these gases, they can make their own amino acids. They are divided into three classes - methanogens (producing methane), thermoacidophils (adapted to a highly hot and acidic environment) and halophils (growing in a highly saline environment).

b. Eubacteria: They are usually not found in membranes surrounded by organelles. Nucleoid acts as the only chromosome. Photosynthesis and transfer of electrons take place at the plasma membrane.

2. Protista  

a. It includes a variety of unicellular eukaryotic organisms, such as unicellular algae, protozoa, and unicellular fungi.

b. They are autotrophic (eg unicellular fungi, diatom) or heterotrophic (eg protozoa).

c. Examples are unicellular fungi, Chlorella, Euglina, Trypanosoma (the cause of sleeping sickness), Plasmodium, Amoeba, Paramecium, Chlamydomonas (Chlamydomonas) etc.

3. Fungi 

a. This includes plants that are unable to prepare their own food by photosynthetic action.

b. They are heterotrophic and eukaryotic.

c. Some fungi are parasites and obtain nutrients for themselves from the plant on which they live.

d. Some fungi, such as penicillium, are decomposers and receive nutrients from dead substances.

e. In this, food is stored in the form of glycogen.

f. Examples of fungi are yeast, mushrooms, termites etc.

4. Plantae

a. It consists of multicellular plants.

b. They are eukaryotic.

c. Cell wall is found in them.

d. They contain a central vacuole surrounded by tonoplast membrane.

e. They store food for plants in the form of starch and lipids 

g. Plastids are present in them.

h. They are autotrophic, that is, they prepare their own food.

i. The growth of plants is unlimited.

j. Due to branches, their size is uncertain.

5. Animalia

a. Animals have wall less eukaryotic cells.

b. They are hostile.

c. The growth of animals is limited.

d. Often a certain shape and form is found in animals.

e.Gradual levels of cell, tissue, organ and organ system are found in animals.

Friday, September 18, 2020


Meaning of perception

धारणा का अर्थ और परिभाषा:

धारणा वह प्रक्रिया है जिसके माध्यम से बाहरी वातावरण की जानकारी का चयन किया जाता है, प्राप्त किया जाता है, संगठित किया जाता है और इसे आपके लिए सार्थक बनाने के लिए व्याख्या की जाती है। निर्णय और कार्यों में सार्थक जानकारी के इस इनपुट का परिणाम है। "

Definition of Perception

जोसेफ रिट्ज के अनुसार, "धारणा में उन सभी प्रक्रियाओं को शामिल किया जाता है जिनके द्वारा किसी व्यक्ति को अपने पर्यावरण के बारे में जानकारी मिलती है- देखने, सुनने, महसूस करने, चखने और सूंघने की। इन स्थायी प्रक्रियाओं के अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि इनकी कार्यप्रणाली तीन वर्गों चर से प्रभावित होती है-जिन वस्तुओं या घटनाओं को माना जा रहा है, वह वातावरण जिसमें धारणा होती है और व्यक्ति धारणा करता है। "

सरल शब्दों में हम कह सकते हैं कि बोध यह देखने की क्रिया है कि क्या देखना है। लेकिन जो कुछ देखा जाता है वह विचारक, वस्तु और उसके वातावरण से प्रभावित होता है। धारणा का अर्थ इन तीनों बिंदुओं पर जोर देता है।

धारणा की प्रकृति:( Nature of Perception) 

धारणा संवेदी डेटा की व्याख्या को संदर्भित करती है। दूसरे शब्दों में, संवेदना में उत्तेजना की उपस्थिति का पता लगाना शामिल है जबकि धारणा में यह समझना शामिल है कि उत्तेजना का क्या अर्थ है। उदाहरण के लिए, जब हम कुछ देखते हैं, तो दृश्य उत्तेजना बाहरी दुनिया से परावर्तित प्रकाश ऊर्जा है और आंख सेंसर बन जाती है। बाहरी चीज़ की यह दृश्य छवि तब बन जाती है जब मस्तिष्क के दृश्य प्रांतस्था में इसकी व्याख्या की जाती है। इस प्रकार, दृश्य धारणा आंख की रेटिना पर अनुमानित बाहरी दुनिया की छवि की व्याख्या करने और तीन आयामी दुनिया के एक मॉडल के निर्माण को संदर्भित करती है। "

उपर्युक्त विवेचन से यह स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि अनुभूति अनुभूति से कुछ अधिक है। यह शरीर के कई अंगों से विभिन्न संवेदनाओं और सूचनाओं को सहसंबंधित, एकीकृत और संयोजित करता है, जिसके द्वारा व्यक्ति चीजों और वस्तुओं की पहचान करता है, संवेदनाओं का उल्लेख करता है।

धारणा मनुष्य की शारीरिक और मनोवैज्ञानिक दोनों विशेषताओं से निर्धारित होती है जबकि संवेदना की कल्पना केवल शारीरिक विशेषताओं के साथ की जाती है। इस प्रकार, धारणा केवल यह नहीं है कि कोई भी आंखों से देखता है यह एक बहुत अधिक जटिल प्रक्रिया है जिसके द्वारा एक व्यक्ति चुनिंदा रूप से पर्यावरण में उत्तेजनाओं को अवशोषित या आत्मसात करता है, संज्ञानात्मक रूप से एक विशिष्ट फैशन में कथित जानकारी को व्यवस्थित करता है और फिर एक जानकारी बनाने के लिए जानकारी की व्याख्या करता है किसी के वातावरण में क्या चल रहा है, इसके बारे में आकलन।

धारणा एक व्यक्तिपरक प्रक्रिया है, इसलिए, अलग-अलग लोग एक ही वातावरण को अलग-अलग रूप से अनुभव कर सकते हैं कि वे उस स्थिति के विशेष पहलुओं पर आधारित हैं जो वे चुनिंदा अवशोषित करने के लिए चुनते हैं, वे इस जानकारी को कैसे व्यवस्थित करते हैं और जिस तरह से वे स्थिति की समझ प्राप्त करने के लिए इसकी व्याख्या करते हैं। ।

धारणा का महत्व (Importance of Perception) 

(i) मानव व्यवहार को समझने में धारणा बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि प्रत्येक व्यक्ति दुनिया को मानता है और जीवन की समस्याओं को अलग-अलग तरीके से अपनाता है- जो कुछ भी हम देखते हैं या महसूस करते हैं, जरूरी नहीं कि यह वास्तव में वैसा ही हो। यह इसलिए है क्योंकि हम जो सुनते हैं वह वह नहीं है जो वास्तव में कहा जाता है, लेकिन जैसा कहा जा रहा है वैसा ही हम अनुभव करते हैं। जब हम कुछ खरीदते हैं, तो ऐसा नहीं है क्योंकि यह सबसे अच्छा है, लेकिन क्योंकि हम इसे सबसे अच्छा मानते हैं। इस प्रकार, यह धारणा के कारण है, हम यह पता लगा सकते हैं कि क्यों एक व्यक्ति एक नौकरी संतोषजनक पाता है जबकि दूसरा इससे संतुष्ट नहीं हो सकता है।

(ii) यदि लोग अपनी धारणा के आधार पर व्यवहार करते हैं, तो हम पर्यावरण की वर्तमान धारणा को समझकर बदली परिस्थितियों में उनके व्यवहार का अनुमान लगा सकते हैं। एक व्यक्ति तथ्यों को एक तरह से देख रहा होगा जो दूसरे दर्शक द्वारा देखे गए तथ्यों से अलग हो सकता है।
(iii) धारणा की सहायता से, विभिन्न लोगों की आवश्यकताओं का निर्धारण किया जा सकता है, क्योंकि लोगों की धारणा उनकी आवश्यकताओं से प्रभावित होती है। एक मनोरंजन पार्क में दर्पण की तरह, वे अपने तनावों के संबंध में दुनिया को विकृत करते हैं।
(iv) प्रबंधक के लिए धारणा बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है जो काम की सेटिंग में लोगों और घटनाओं से निपटने के दौरान त्रुटियों से बचना चाहता है। इस समस्या को इस तथ्य से अधिक जटिल बना दिया जाता है कि अलग-अलग लोग एक ही स्थिति को अलग-अलग तरीके से समझते हैं। अधीनस्थों से प्रभावी ढंग से निपटने के लिए, प्रबंधकों को उनकी धारणाओं को ठीक से समझना चाहिए।
इस प्रकार, मानव व्यवहार को समझने के लिए, उनकी धारणा को समझना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, अर्थात वे विभिन्न स्थितियों को कैसे समझते हैं। लोगों का व्यवहार उनकी धारणाओं पर आधारित होता है कि वास्तविकता क्या है, वास्तविकता पर ही नहीं। जैसा माना जाता है वैसा ही संसार है|

Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Power of Positive Thinking & Attitude

 The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude

Life is incomplete without positive thinking. With the power of positive thinking, dark darkness can also be transformed into light by the rays of hope. We have our own control over our thoughts, so it is for us to decide whether we want to think positively or negatively.

 Every Thought is a Seed 

We have two types of seeds, Positive and Negative Thoughts, which later determine our attitude and behavior tree. What we think we become is why we are said to behave as we think.

It depends on us what we seed into our minds| With a little consciousness and caution, we can turn a thorny tree into a fragrant flower tree.

Story of David and Goliath

David and Goliath Bible Story 

A story of the Bible is quite famous. In one village there was a tax named Goliath. Everyone was afraid and disturbed by that. One day a grazing boy named David came to the same village where people were afraid of the monster's terror. David told people that why don't you fight this monster?

He is too big that he cannot be killed - The Other People said

You are absolutely right that the monster is very big. But it is not that he cannot be killed because he is older, but the fact is that he is so big that the target cannot be missed - David said 

Then David kills that monster with a slingshot. The monster was the same, but David's thinking was different. 

What color glasses are you wearing? Positive or Negative

Just as we wear black and red glasses, we see everything as red and if we wear black glasses, similarly negative thinking will show disappointment, sorrow and dissatisfaction all around us and positive thinking will give us hope. , Happiness and satisfaction will be seen.

It is up to us to see this world with positive glasses or negative glasses. If we have worn positive glasses then we will like every person and we will find some quality in each person but if we have worn negative glasses then we will become bugs who find evils.

From negative to positive: -

Positivity begins with hope and belief. There is darkness all around in some place and nothing is visible and if we burn a small lamp there, there is so much power in that lamp that that small lamp will remove the darkness spread around it in an instant. Similarly, a ray of hope can erase all negative thoughts in a moment.

Negativity cannot eliminate negativity. 

negativity can only eliminate positivity. That is, whenever a small negative thought comes to mind, it should be converted into a positive thought at that moment.

For example, if a student suddenly gets the idea 20 days before the exam that he will not be able to pass the exam this time, then he has two options - either he repeats this idea repeatedly and slowly - Make the negative plant a tree or turn that negative thought into a positive idea at the same time and think that nothing is still 20 days i.e. 480 hours left in the examination and out of that it will be 240 hours with full conviction If you work hard, no one can stop it from passing. If he transforms negative thoughts into positive thoughts at the same time and remembers his positive thoughts, he will surely pass.

“To think positively or not to think is in the control of our mind and our mind is under our control. If we remove control from our mind, the mind will do its own will and we will not even know when negative trees have grown in our mind. "

Wednesday, September 16, 2020



The pneumatic parts of plants, water comes out as vapor, this action is called transpiration.Transpiration is mainly done by the foliage.

Structure of foliage: Foliage is more on lower surface of leaves and less number of foliage on upper surface. The number of stomata can be 1000 - 60000 per square cm. Each foliage is made up of two bean-shaped seed cells, which have supporting cells around them, green cells are found in the door cells.

Process of transpiration

During the day, sugar is produced in the door cells, due to which the diffusion pressure decreases in the door cells, thus causing tension in the inner surface of the door cells. As a result the foliage opens, the glucose level in the cells decreases during the night. Which would have diluted the door cells. As a result the pores stop. At the time of opening of the foliage, water evaporates out of the foliage, which is called evaporation.

Factors affecting transpiration




Wind speed

Number and distribution of stomata

Percentage of open stomata

Water present in the plant

Transpiration and photosynthesis

  • Evaporates stretch for water absorption and transport in plants.
  • Photosynthesis: Evaporation helps in the maintenance of water required for it.
  • Transport the minerals obtained from the soil to all parts of the plant.
  • Keeps the leaf surface cold by 10-15 degrees by evaporation.
  • Keeping the cells intact, it controls the shape and texture of the plants.
  • Therefore, transpiration is a process necessary for photosynthesis.

Capture and transmission of mineral nutrients

Plants derive carbon and oxygen from CO2 available in the atmosphere, while hydrogen and other salts are obtained from soil and water.

Phloem transport

Flow from the origin to the sink is the transport of organic food produced in leaves through phloem. The parts of the plant that synthesize food are called sources. And where there is accumulation of food, it is called kund, the source and kund are kept changing in the plant. These substances are transferred by phloem from the source to the tank, if food is required in any organ. So the phloem reaches that part from the reservoir, so the transport by phloem is directional.

Pressure flow or mass flow hypothesis

This hypothesis was formulated by Munch in 1930, according to which the transfer of food items is in accordance with the concentration gradient from phloem to the organs of use. During photosynthesis, the substance produced in the leaves turns into sugars, which increases the concentration of the solution and increases the osmotic pressure. The solution from the cells of the leaves reaches the root via phloem sieve tubes located in the stem, where some of the food is spent in respiration, the rest gets accumulated in the plant.