Metabolism is a process through which your body converts food into energy. This energy is spent by the human body in daily activities.
Your body's basal metabolic rate (BMR) helps maintain the body's basic functions, a rate that determines the body's metabolic activity and how much energy a human body needs. The human body needs a reasonable amount of energy for the tasks of the day, digesting food, blood circulation, breathing and hormonal balance etc. that it gets from food. Man needs energy according to the design of his body and this energy is obtained from metabolic activity.
The faster your metabolic rate, the more energetic and active you will be. However, if your metabolic rate is slow, you may face problems such as fatigue, high cholesterol, muscle weakness, dry skin, weight gain, joint swelling, heavy menstruation, depression, and slow heart rate. Therefore, we are going to tell you about some foods that can increase your metabolism.
What is Metabolism
The conversion of food into energy in your body is called metabolism. Your body functions properly when metabolism is good. Apart from this, the effect of chemical reaction on your body is also called metabolism. These chemical reactions work to keep your body alive and active.
When your body metabolism is fast, you easily burn more calories than those whose metabolism is slow. Along with this, it is also very helpful in reducing weight.
Apart from this, when you get better metabolism, you get more energy and you feel good.
Metabolism Types
Metabolism is a term used to describe all the chemical reactions involved in maintaining cells and organisms in a living state, metabolism can be divided into two classes.
Catabolism: The breakdown of molecules to gain energy is called catabolism, which releases a large amount of energy, which is why catabolism is known as destructive metabolism. It removes organic substances from the body.
Anabolism or anabolism: Anabolism is the synthesis of all the necessary compounds through the cell. Anabolism helps in cell formation by using the energy present in the body, hence anabolism is known as creative metabolism.
Metabolism Problems Weight Gain
Weight gain is a complex process. Sleep, physical activities, stress, diet, environmental effects, hormonal changes and genetic weight gain may be the main reasons. Metabolism is a natural process that slows down such problems. The main reason for our body weight gain is that we consume more calories for physical activities, these extra calories later turn into fat, and accumulate in the body due to which obesity increases. Our body weight will remain constant if we burn or burn more calories than we are consuming. Read steps to relieve stress here.
To burn calories, we should take our food at regular intervals and also take it in small quantities. You can burn more calories of your body by getting used to exercising.
How metabolism works in the body
First of all it is necessary to know that metabolism can be maintained by taking both non-vegetarian and vegetarian food. Trees plants extract energy from sunlight by reacting with chlorophyll, organic dioxide and water to form sugars and this process is called photosynthesis. Therefore, people who eat animals and plants get sugars. The body breaks down sugar through metabolism, which receives energy and this energy is distributed as fuel by the body's cells. Metabolism breaks down sugars and stores them in the tissues of the body and when needed, works to use stored energy.
There are many hormones that control the condition and direction of metabolism, including thyroid. The hormone released through this gland plays an important role in determining how fast and how slow a person's chemical response to metabolism is. Metabolism is a very complex chemical process that gives you an idea of how much energy your body provides.
Home Remedies to increase Metabolism
Protein rich foods
Protein enhances metabolism of rich food body. Milk, cheeses and other dairy products as well as eggs, chicken, fish, seafood and meat increase metabolism. Protein makes fat strong by turning it into muscle, so it also keeps weight control.
Chilli paper
The chemical capsaicin present in the Chilean paper increases the metabolism of the body and burns calories and fat. According to a research, capsaicin burns 50 calories in a day. It also has the property of reducing apatite.
Legumes and pulses
Apple cider vinegarvinegar
Apple cider vinegar is good for skin and body and enhances metabolism. It burns fat and converts it into energy. This increases the feeling of fullness, so that you do not eat too much food.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil i.e. coconut oil plays an important role in increasing metabolism. It contains ingredients that go directly into the liver and convert fat into energy. It is said that if 30 milliliters of coconut oil goes into the body daily, then the waist can become thin in no time.
Green Vegetables
Green vegetables contain zinc, iron, and selenium, which are good for the thyroid gland. There are many other greens including spinach which increase the level of metabolism in the body.
Vitamin C-Rich Fruit
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, lemons, lime and many other fruits increase the amount of iron in the body. They strengthen the tissues and muscles of the body.
Green teatea
Green tea contains many antioxidants such as catechins and polyphenols that increase metabolism and eject toxins from the body. Drinking green tea burns 100 calories a day.
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