Saturday, July 25, 2020


The human body is made up of different types of cells and molecules. There is a molecule in DNA. This molecule explains the physical relationship of man, from which family and offspring can be detected, such as siblings, parents and family, that is, genetic properties in DNA  are found. DNA replication is like a curved ladder. Except red blood cells, almost every cell in your body has DNA or genetic code that makes us "us". DNA contains instructions for the, development growth, reproduction and function of whole life. Surprisingly, if all the DNA in the human body is sorted out, it will be so long that it can reach the Sun 300 times times back to Earth.
        James Watson (American Biologist) &  Francies Crick (English Physicist) discovered DNA in 1950.

Structure of DNA

DNA is a ladder-like molecule that appears curved, giving it a unique shape called a double helix. DNA is usually a double-stranded polymer of nucleotides, although single-streaked DNA is also found.

Each of the two strands is a long sequence of nucleotides or individual units composed of the following elements -

Phosphate Molecules (read more - treatment of increased levels of phosphate in the blood)
A sugar molecule called deoxyribose, which contains five carbons
Nitrogen-rich circles are four types of nitrogen-based circles called bases.
Adenine (A)
Cytosine (C)
Guanin (G)
Thiamine (T)
The sequence of these four bases forms the genetic code, which is our instructions for life. The sequence of these bases is called DNA sequence. These "characters" occur in specific sequences within your genes. They contain instructions to make a particular protein at a particular time, for a particular cell.

The bases of two strands of DNA are stuck together to form a ladder-like shape. Within the ladder, A always sticks to T and G always sticks to C to form a "ladder rung". The length of this ladder-like shape of DNA is formed by the sugar and phosphate groups.

Function of DNA

  • DNA carries out the genetic functions of the body.
  • It is also the function of DNA to keep all the proteins synthesized under control.
The most important function of DNA is to use the genetic code to encode the sequence of the Amino Acid residue found in the protein.

Some Intresting Facts of DNA

  • Cheek cells, urine samples and blood are used to perform DNA testing.
  • Every day about 1,000 to 10 lakh DNA is destroyed in the body.
  • DNA in the human body is similar to the structure of the DNA of bananas, cabbage and chimpanzees.
  • The most surprising fact is that only one spoon of DNA can contain the information of all the species in the world.
  • All the world's Internet data can be stored in only 2 grams of DNA.
  • The human body has twenty thousand to twenty five thousand genes.
  • DNA is present in every human cell. When cells divide, the DNA makes a copy so that each type of DNA can reach each cell.
  • If DNA is fully dispersed, then it can come back 600 times from Earth to the sun.
  • The DNA of all humans is 99.9 percent the same.
  • The sun's UV rays can destroy DNA.

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