Sunday, July 26, 2020


Corona Virus(Covid-19) 

               It is a new virus associated with the same family of virus such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) & some types of common cold. This virus has never been seen before.

        Covid -19 disease is an infectious diseases caused by a newly discovered corona virus. The first identified novel corona virus caused disease in Wuhan, China named Corona virus disease 2019 ( Covid-19). CO- Corona, VI - Virus and D - Disease  and 19 - year. Formerly the disease was referred to as the novel 2019 novel corona virus or 9 Corona virus which has become a serious crisis for the world, still remains an unknown puzzle for scientists. Every month such new information about this virus comes out. Due to which the old research of scientists is going waste. Due to this, frustration is also being filled in a section of scientists. - ncov.

How does Covid-19 spread

            Corona virus, which has become a serious crisis for the world, still remains an unknown puzzle for scientists. Every month such new information about this virus comes out. Due to which the old research of scientists is going waste. Due to this, frustration is also being filled in a section of scientists.
Recently a group of scientist claimed that the corona is actually an airborne virus. Which means that this virus can spread from air to couple.This claim is contrary to that earlier discovery of scientist. In which it was said that it is a disease spread by droplets coming out of the mouth. Earlier, when Pandemic started scientist were convinced that the disease was spread by speaking or breathing of corona infected. However he did not have any concrete evidence of these things.
Now research done at the University of Nebraska has revealed for the first time that the corona virus can be spread through very fine particles of micro droplets. This reinforces the belief that not only coughing and sneezing but also speaking and breathing can spread the corona virus. With this question have also been raised on the belief of scientist that this epidemic can be avoided by keeping two meters distance. However, the results of this study have not yet been reviewed in depth. But still new information has surfaced on corona virus from many things. This study published on has been done by those scientist. Those who had said in March that the virus lives in the air in the hospital rooms meant for corona patients. This study will be published in a journal. Associate professor Joshua Santarpia associated with the study said that collecting samples for research was the most difficult task. He said that a device shaped like a mobile phone was used to collect in formation about the corona virus. In such cases, your chances of focusing on a micro virus is very low and if there is a problem it cannot be brought back again. During the research, scientists took air samples from five rooms of corona infected patients. In those rooms, fine particles floating in the air up to 30 cm above the paws of the feet were recorded. Scientists safely kept these fine particles of size up to one micron in a jar. The investigation found that 3 out of the 18 samples collected were like this.Those who were able to spread from one person to another means that they were the same corona virus. Due to which the disease has been transmitted from one person to another. According to scientists, these micro droplets, which we also call aerosols. They attack the throat and grab it. Due to which people start having problems with cough and fever. In addition, his lungs also gradually stop working.

Symptomps of Covid-19

  •   It's symptomps may appear differently in every human in the beginning. In some cases symptoms started appearing within 2 days of exposure to the virus & in some it took 14 days for symptomps to appear.
  • The most common symptoms are fever, cough, trouble breathing.
  • Symptoms that are not very common include i.e Sore throat, sneez, body ache, diarrhea & vomiting.
  • Day - 1 starts with fever & dry cough. There are also complaints of fatigue & body pain.
  • Day. 5-7 There is difficulty in breathing.
  • The more the situation get worse, the more parts of the body are affected. Among these the lungs, kidney & heart are more affected.

Prevention of Covid-19

  • Clean your hands use soap & water or an alcohol based hand wash.
  • Maintain a safe distance from anyone who cough or sneezes.
  • Wear mask when physical disturbances are not possible.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • When coughing or sneezing cover your nose & mouth with a tissue.
  • If you feel unwell then stay home. Seek medical attention if you have cough, fever and difficulty in breathing.

Treatment of Covid-19

            Yet, there are no specific vaccine for Covid-19. Treatment is under investigation and will be tested through clinical trials.