The word communication hass been derived from the latin word "communi", which means common. Thus, it means splitting of ideas in common.
What is communication?
Communication means to exchange information. But these information may not be useful until the exchange of these information. Earlier it used to take a lot of time to send information or message from one place to another. But presently the exchange of messages has become very easy and time seems too short. Satellite and television have turned the whole world into a city.
Communication is a way that one organisation members shares meaning and understanding with another.
Aspects of Communication

The essential aspects of communication are given below :
- It involves at least two persons :- Communication involves at least two persons that are A sender & A receiver. The sender is called communication & the receiver of the message is known as communicate.
- Message is a must :- A message is a subject matter of communication. Ex - The contents of the letter or speech, instruction or the suggestions.
- Communication may be written, oral or gestural:- It is generally understood as spoken or written words. But is reality it is more than that. It includes everything that may be used to convey meaning from one person. e.g. Movement of lips or The wink of eyes or The wave of hands may convey meaning than even written or spoken word.
- Communication is a two way process :- It involves both information & understanding communication is not complete unless the receiver has understood the message property and his reaction or response is known to the sender.
- Its primary purpose is to motivate a response :- The primary purpose of communication is to motivate response or influence human behavior.
- Communication may be formal or informal :- Formal communication follows the formal channel provided in the organization structure. In simple words Informal communication, there is no direct communication between the managing director & the Account clerks.
- It flows upward & downward & also from side to side :- It flows down word from a superior to subordinates and upward from subordinate to a superior. communication flows among two or more persons performing at the same level of authority.
- It is an integral part of the process of exchange :- It refers to the exchange of ideas, feelings, emotion & knowledge and information between two or more persons.
Importance of Communication :-

The importance of communications are given below:-
- Basis of decision making & planning.
- Smooth and efficient working of an organization.
- Facilitates co-ordination.
- Increases managerial efficiency.
- Promotes co-operation & industrial peace.
- Helps in establishing effective leadership.
- Motivation & morale.
- Increases managerial capacity.
- Effective control.
- Job satisfaction.
- Democratic management.
- Increases productivity & reduces cost.
Very useful..