Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Recruitment & Selection Process

 Meaning of Selection:

Many applications are received regarding vacancies. From the applications received, the applicant whose qualifications, experience etc. are in accordance with the work specification are selected.

In the words of Dale Yoder - "Selection is made in which prospective employees, who have been recruited from various sources, are tested, and are divided into two categories - one to whom they are employed." And others who are not given jobs. "

The term selection is not only limited to the recruitment of new employees, but also includes the election work of those employees who are trained.

In fact, selection is a process through which the vacancies of the organization are filled. Under this, suitable applicants are provided employment and inappropriate applicants are excluded.

The term selection is not limited only to the recruitment of new employees, but it also includes the task of electing those employees who are trained.

Selection of employees in the organization is a very important task, by which qualified and skilled employees can be obtained. The objective of employee selection is to assign the right job to the right person so that maximum production can be done at minimum cost.

Employees are selected from within and outside the enterprise. Internal persons can be selected by their promotion, transfer and demotion and outsiders can be selected by interviewing them.

Here, employee selection refers to the selection of qualified persons from outside. Declaring a person or persons eligible for work among the recruited employees is called selection.

While making selection, information about vacancies is obtained by finding the number of required persons in different departments of the undertaking, with the help of job descriptions, the requisite qualifications of the employees are found and by matching the qualifications and qualifications of the individual as determined by the job description. Is selected.

Thus the following are included in employee selection:

1. To make available the availability of employees from various sources through recruitment and make them ready to work in the undertaking.

2. To determine the qualification, quality, experience, liability and salary etc. of the employees to be appointed to different positions by job description and job evaluation.

3. To find out the number of various vacant posts and newly created posts in the undertaking.

4. To test and interview the recruited employees and to select the employees who match the required qualifications.

Selection Policy:

A suitable selection policy is required to select employees.

An appropriate selection policy should include the following points:

1. The task of selection should be set up and handed over to an efficient and important board.

2. Employees should be selected according to the task.

3. To get good and skilled people, selection should be done not only from one source but from all sources.

4. The selection policy should be flexible so that sufficient changes can be made as per the requirement.

5. Selection policy should be free from bias.

6. Policy should be adopted from different industries as required.

7. People working at different levels in the organization should not follow the same policy.

8. For the selection of employees, standards should be decided in advance. Employees should be selected according to these standards.

9. Selection policy should be to show employees the business-related route.

10. The selection policy should be clear and easy. The dialectical language traps the organization in a web of problems.

11. The selection policy should be in accordance with the principles of the organization and government policy.

12. The organization should rigorously follow the selection policy to achieve success in its selection objectives.

Selection Procedure:

It is very important for every organization to make the right choice of employees. Making the right choice increases the work efficiency of the organization, instills a sense of stability among the employees, boosts their morale and allows the organization to achieve its goals easily.

The methods of correct selection of employees can be:

1. Scrutiny of Application:

First applications are requested from the applicants. In this application, information about their age, educational qualification, experience, expected salary, etc. is sought from the applicants.

Subsequently, these applications are scrutinized closely and the completely unsuitable persons are sorted and separated at this initial stage.

By doing this, the institution does not perform other functions of selection action in relation to them, this saves both time and money. Some organizations do preliminary interviews instead of asking for applications and splash out inappropriate persons.

2. Preliminary Interview:

The purpose of the preliminary interview is to determine whether the applicant is physically and mentally fit for that position, thus inappropriate applicants are sorted out by this action too. Initial interview is not necessary in every case.

3. Blank Application Forms:

After preliminary investigation, the institution sends a printed blank application to the applicants. In this form, many things are asked in writing about their age, educational qualification, experience, current place of work, present salary, expected salary etc.

The application should be as short and clear as possible so that the applicant can give accurate information. When these forms are filled and reached to the institution, the information received is classified.

Applicants whose qualifications and experience etc. are lower in the selection-qualification standard set by the institution are rejected, even if the number of applicants (applicants) is more than the requirement, raising the level from the selection-qualification standard The number is then equal to the desired number of the organization.

4. Psychological Tests

A test can also be done to check a person's suitability for the task. Testing has special significance in the election process. Physical and mental abilities of employees can be tested by testing.

There may be several forms of testing:

(i) Trade or specific tests:

This test method is used where special skill and skill are required. In this type of testing is done to check the applicant's ability to do that work.

For example, by typing with a typist, his / her typing speed can be checked, the knowledge of his / her knowledge can be checked by running the machine to the mechanic and asking questions about machine parts etc. This test provides information on how efficiently the applicant can do that work.

(ii) Intelligence Tests:

IQ test is done to find out the mental level of the applicant. The mental state examination evaluates the ability to understand and reason and the key features of intelligence. Through intelligence tests, the growth potential of the applicant can be estimated.

(iii) Interest Tests:

The purpose of interest test is to measure the interest and behavior of the applicants towards the work. He should be given the same work in which he is interested. According to interest, the person can do more work once he gets the work.

(iv) Personality Test:

Personality testing is the most complex. This test examines a person's qualities in how he or she treats their partners, whether they have leadership qualities or not. This test is used to select supervisors and upper-class individuals.

5. Interview:

Successful applicants are called for interview after various tests. Interview is the most popular and popular system of selection. In the interview, the candidates are asked to sit in front and ask questions.

The purpose of the interview is to check the applicant's currency, manner of conversation, gesture, awareness, spot response, maturity etc. If the interviewee is a skilled and experienced person then they can check the entire personality of the applicant.

Scientific Selection:

The first and most important step in developing personal efficiency in the industry is to employ the employee towards the task. Scientific selection of employees is an important function of the personnel department.

The objective of scientific selection is to establish a labor on every task which can maintain a specified output with minimum expenditure of energy and which can prove to be the best for the work.

Factors to consider in choosing the right person for the right job are:

1. Physical Characteristics - Healthy body, height, weight, vision and other physical qualities.

2. Personal Characteristics - Age, gender, marital status, number of children, family background, etc.

3. Proficiency or Skill and Ability - Qualifications and past experience.

4. Competency -

 A person's competence to learn and get involved in work indicates competence to gain knowledge and tact for success on the job.

5. Temperament and Character:

Emotional, moral and social qualities, honesty, possessive devotion, etc. A great amount of intelligent skills can never play a substitute for such qualities as honesty and trust.

It is important to know the character of the person, his work habits, his way of reacting in this or that situation, his operational powers in determining his suitability for the task.

6. Interest - Work without interest becomes monotonous. With interest, the person feels worthwhile and attainable and competencies are developed as well as attainments are achieved.

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