Saturday, August 29, 2020



We need a lot of oxygen to survive. When we breathe, many other types of gas in the air also go inside our body. But out of that only our body takes oxygen. And expels the remaining gas. Which contains the most carbon dioxide .. The entire process of inhaling and exhaling is done by the respiratory system. 

Definition of respiration:
       Oxygen in the atmosphere reaches the cells of the body and oxidizes or releases food and CO2 gas is released .. All such physical and chemical activities are called respiration.

Types of Respiration : 

         Two types of Respiration

1. Aerobic Respiration

The process in which oxidation of respiration occurs in CO2, H2O in the presence of oxygen. And energy is obtained ..

C6H12O6 + 6CO2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 686 Kcal

The process of producing 2 molecules of pyruvic acid from one molecule of glucose in cellular respiration is called glycolysis. Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm. Oxidation of pyruvic acid in the Krebs cycle provides energy CO2 and H2O. In a eukaryotic cell Complete oxidation of one glucose molecule yields 36 ATP molecules. In a prokaryotic cell, oxidation of one glucose molecule yields 2 ATP in the anaerobic condition while 38 ATP in the pneumatic state. .

2. Anaerobic Respiration

The process in which there is incomplete oxidation of respiration from CO2 and alcohol in the absence of oxygen.

C6H12O2 Yeast Cells → 2CO2 + 2C2H5OH + 56 Kcal

This process is also called fermentation. Glucose is formed from glucose by anaerobic respiration in muscular muscles.

2H + CO.CH3 COOH In Muscles → C3H6O3

In anaerobic respiration, energy production is reduced.

Human Respiratory System

The origin of the respiratory system is from the endoderm.

The Respiratory System of Human is divided into two parts -

(a) Respiratory Path

(b) Respiratory organs

Respiratory Path : It is the path of movement of air.

 It has the following parts:

1.External Nares

2.Nasal Tract

3.Pharynx (Parynx)

4.Wind Pipe

1. External Nasal Pore

The number of nasopharynx is two. They open in the Vestibule part of the nasal passage.

2. Nasal Tract

The NASA route has three parts -

1.Vestibule : This is the smallest part of nasal passages. 

2.Respiratory Part : This is the middle of Nasal Passage. Which opens in the olfactory part.

3. Olfactory Part : It is the posterior upper part of the nasal tract, which is lined by neuro sensory epithelium. This epithelium is also known as Olfactory epithelium .Odour is detected by this epithelium.


Both have common parts. It has three parts -




Wind Pipe

This tube is the main part of the movement of air into the lungs. This tube is divided into two parts -

  • Larynx
  • Trachea

Larynx or Sound box

This is the anterior part of the respiratory tract. It is also known as the sound producing organ. It is made up of 9 types of cartilage, in which there are vocal cords or vocal cards, in which the air vibrates, which produces sound.


The larynx opens as a slit aperture in the throat, called a glottis. It is situated on the ventral side of the pharynx.Air enters the larynx only through the glottis.


It is a membranous lid found on the glottis that covers the glottis hole when swallowing food. It is made up of elastic cartilage.

Cartilage of the larynx

The larynx is formed by 9 pieces of cartilage. Which is as follows-

  • Thyroid cartilage is also known as Adam’s Apple.
  • Cricoid cartilage
  • Erytinoids
  • Cartilage of santorini
  • Cuneiform cartilage
  • Vocal cord

The larynx also performs phonetic production along the respiratory tract. Vocal cord is found in this for the production of sound. Which are membranous.


Trachea is a tube made of cartilage ring in C shape. It goes into the thoracic cavity and divides it into two branches, right and left, which are called bronchi. Pseudo Stratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium is found in the respiratory tract.

2.Respiratory organs


The lungs are located in the pleural cavities. They are two in number, conical, pink solid and spongy.There is a lymph filled in the pleural cavity, which is called pleural fluid. Which is glycoprotein and secreted by the pleura.

Pleural Membrane or Pleura surrounds each pleural cavity. This pleural membrane has two parts.

1.Parietal Pleura body cover

2.Visceral Pleura Lung Cover

There are two lobes in the left lung of human. Those who have superior and inferior bodies and three bodies in the right, which are called superior, middle, inferior bodies.


The end of bronchioles go into each lung to form a balloon-like structure, which is called alveoli. Alveoli is found in the human lungs of about 30-35 million.

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